Friday, June 19, 2009


So, everyone makes fun of Engrish, or failed translations from Chinese to English. Well, let's just say mistranslations are a universal theme. Check it out:

I don't even know what that says. And no, I didn't cut it off. It just ends as "under the." I saw this, and I had to take a photo.

Yes, that's right. For those women who must radiate sex appeal, there is now SEX, the shoe brand for streetwalkers. After all, everyone wants that "Chic day feeling fashion trendy cool sexy shoes night." And now, you can have it written on the soles of your shoes.

Although, for the record, I like the shoes. It's just the soles that I question.

I'll be posting more Spanglish as the trip goes on. You should see the T-shirts people wear.

On that note:


The Spanish have a problem. It's call the "Playing Inappropriate English Music in Fancy Situations" syndrome.

  • My dad and I are eating at a nice tapas bar with Xavier Marcet, when "If You Seek Amy" by Britney Spears comes on.
  • I'm walking by a classy bar in the middle of the afternoon, and "I Kissed a Girl" by Katy Perry is playing
  • I'm buying a sandwich from a pijo (snobby) sandwich place, and "Right Round" by Flo Rida comes on. I try not to laugh when the lines start coming: "You spin me right round baby right round, when you go down, when you go down down."
Now, when I say classy, I mean these places are trying hard. You know, I'm sure they're going for the trendy, chic American pop music flair. Problem is (and I'm sure non-Spanish speaking Americans do it with Spanish music) these people have no clue what these songs are saying. But I do. So I can't laugh, or people will want to know why I'm snickering at nothing. And I don't really want to insult their musical selection. At least, not to their faces. :)

Okay, major blog post dump today. I had accumulated a lot and then not posted them. So, have fun?


  1. Hey, Em. Nice photos. If you have some time, can you put descriptions of the photos. Or did I miss the description somehow? OMG, I am so tired of learning new technologies . . . Mom

  2. Em, my first comment didn't post for some reason, I think. Anyway, funny entry, especially the part about the music. Hugs, Mom
